In Pre-Production

vse_o_indAll states hide their secrets. With the help of guards, in vaults and in safes, with the help of codes and passwords! “Confidential”! “Highly confidential”! “Top secret”! Who frightens the governments?! Who can encroach upon the state secret?! Spies! They are the most important threat to security of any state! They are smart and possess dexterity, ingenuity; they hunt for military, industrial and political secrets. And we hunt for them! We watch spies! We look at their biographies, connections, movements, their employers, the way they weave their webs of intrigue and dexterously pick the locks; how they blow their cover and end up in court.

vse_o_indThis line of fortifications extended through the whole territory of the Soviet Union from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea and covered the North and the Far East of the USSR. Its creation cost like a cup of million cities. Stalin Line is a great project of fortifications. In 1941, it was the main strategic decision of the General Staff of Red Army to protect a huge country.

vse_o_indOn November the 12th of 1812, the Emperor Napoleon burned the flags of the lost regiments of his Army near Tolochin, a Belarusian town. His officers and men could not refrain from tears. On that day they could not have imagine the fate that was waiting for them.


fortification_indThe standard notion is Architectura militaris, but our ear is more comfortable with “Fortification monuments” (from Latin Forticatio – strengthening). Five enthusiasts – the “Fortificatio” team – decided to investigate castles and fortresses of Belarus, but first of all – the Soviet pillboxes, the least known part of Belarusian fortification monuments. The Germans dubbed these fortifications the “Stalin’s Line”.

39 x 39’, Year: 2009-2010