Legendary Spies

All states hide their secrets. With the help of guards, in vaults and in safes, with the help of codes and passwords! “Confidential”! “Highly confidential”! “Top secret”! Who frightens the governments?! Who can encroach upon the state secret?!

Spies! They are the most important threat to security of any state! They are smart and possess dexterity, ingenuity; they hunt for military, industrial and political secrets. And we hunt for them! We watch spies! We look at their biographies, connections, movements, their employers, the way they weave their webs of intrigue and dexterously pick the locks; how they blow their cover and end up in court. We document the most dramatic stories of their life to tell them to people. That’s how the destinies of spies become legends!


Contact Info:
Myshalov Alexandr
Tel/Fax: +375173121630, +375173121629
mob.: + 375293415767