Wild nature

Focus On Waders

Their bloodline is among the biggest in nature, but rarely so many paradoxes appear. Unsurprisingly, ornithologists have to discuss the classification even now.
Their weight varies from 30 grams to 1 kilogram. There are brevirostrate and long rostral, short and longlegged, colorful and colorless. Also, some of them are monogamist, but rest live in promiscuity, polygyny and polyandry.

In fact, have you heard about them? They are in the Middle Asia hot deserts, the Arctic Ocean cold islands, the East European plain and beyond the clouds Pamirs. Not all of them can swim, however, they are settling nearby water: at the seaside, in the marsh, along river banks and flood plain meadows.

What the unusual bloodline is that? Be aware! Sandpipers are in focus! It is they who are the sturdiest, the most gluttonous, carnivore and vegan, fighters and peaceful. Yes, we do know how to find sandpiper and get focus on them!

Year 2024
Director Alexandr Myshalov